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Astrology Predictions by Zodiac Sign

If you were interested in astrology before 2020, you’re likely even more a devotee after the year we’ve just had. Those following along with their horoscope might have noticed just how literally the planetary alignments played out here on earth.

The astrology of 2020 featured some intense break-down-to-rebuild energy that reflected the shakeup of our foundations on a personal, political and societal scale. A cluster of planets in Capricorn forming tense squares to Mars in Aries coincided with travel restrictions and business closures, and mounting tension in our personal lives. Several prolonged retrogrades slowed us all down, and a few rare and powerful conjunctions offered some major moments of awakening. Whew! It was a year.

Regardless of what your year was like, now is the time to offer some due gratitude to yourself: You got through an intense one! Now, these 2021 astrology predictions will usher us onward into our new normal. Bring on the good vibes!

Ready? Here’s a snapshot of what to expect for your rising sign in 2021.

2021 astrology predictions

Aries Rising

With structured Saturn in your 11th house of teamwork, the year ahead asks you to focus on building connections that support your long-term growth. Slow and steady wins the race: With your planetary ruler, Mars, in Taurus for the first few months of the year, you’re urged to make a structured plan for achieving your goals.

Astrology sign for Taurus

Taurus Rising

2021 asks you to put your best boss energy forward. Authoritative Jupiter and Saturn meet up in your 10th house of career, pushing you to own it. What would that look like for you, this year? With Rebellious Uranus still in your sign until 2025, this season of your life asks you to embrace your unique truth, regardless of what others think. Do it your way, Taurus.

Gemini 2021 astrology predictions

Gemini Rising

The way to make progress toward your dreams in 2021 is by committing to the inner work. Master your mindset and you can achieve the goals you put your mind to. Meditation, anyone? Saturn is in Aquarius and your zone of growth, forming a series of squares to Uranus in your introspective 12th house inviting you to defy your own inner limitations. Think big and have faith, Gemini.

Cancer 2021 astrology predictions

Cancer Rising

This year asks you to get serious about your money moves. If you’ve been considering taking your investment game more seriously, or finally freeing yourself of fear of looking at your bank account, it’s your time! Mature Saturn in innovative Aquarius and your zone of shared assets supports you in thinking for the long-term in this area. Knowledge is power, as it relates to finances. New ways are better than the old ways.

Leo 2021 astrology predictions

Leo Rising

Balance is key to your success this year. Your one on one connections and partnerships request your focus and dedication, as does your career. Tradition-loving Saturn in your relationship house and unconventional Uranus asks you to stay flexible as you prioritize both. Ask for what you need, and don’t sacrifice your heart’s true desires.

Virgo 2021 astrology predictions

Virgo Rising

Self-care is the key to making progress this year. Your routines, schedules, and overall daily support systems all add up to your dream life. With Saturn in your 6th house of health, you’re asked to slow down and be intentional about your time. Beginning with the end in mind gets you to where you need to be.

Libra 2021 astrology predictions

Libra Rising

Your overall relationship with pleasure and play gets a refresh this year, with Jupiter and Saturn meeting up in your heart-centered 5th house. Commit to having a good time this year, and things will flow easily. It’s not counterintuitive to ‘work’ at making fun a priority!

Scorpio 2021 astrology predictions

Scorpio Rising

Many Scorpios left 2020 feeling burnt out, thanks to ruling planet Mars retrograde for most of the latter half of the year, and now, the focus shifts to home matters. What would help you feel at home in your world, Scorpio? What commitments or choices would that require? Make yourself at home this year.

Sagittarius 2021 astrology predictions

Sagittarius Rising

2021 finds you ready to share your message with the world thanks to a renewed sense of commitment. Social media mavens, podcasters and writers, it’s your year to blow up! Stay grounded and remember that you don’t have to do it all alone. This year, you’re stronger when you combine forces with others.

Capricorn 2021 astrology predictions

Capricorn Rising

Exhale, Capricorn.Your sign was the site of the majority of the action in 2020, and now, you get a bit of a break. In 2021, your ruling planet Saturn moves into your 2nd house of security, putting your focus on maturity around money. It’s time to take what you learned from last year and invest in your ability to live your best life.

Aquarius 2021 astrology predictions

Aquarius Rising

It’s your year, Aquarius! Time to do you. Where 2020 had you doing some deep inner work, our 2021 astrology predictions invite you to step out into the spotlight as your true self. With boss-planets Saturn and Jupiter in your first house, along with Mercury for a prolonged stay at the start of the year, you can start to make headway on your personal goals. How are you ready to show up in the world?

Pisces 2021 astrology predictions

Pisces Rising

Out with the old, in with the new! With grounded Saturn in your zone of healing all year, you’re ready to get serious about freeing yourself from limiting ideas and behavior patterns. Your ruling planet Jupiter also moves into your sign in late spring for a brief stint, giving you a preview of 2022. Declare your readiness for something big!

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